Alternative Treatments

Being curious about everything cancer and a big proponent of natural remedies, I investigated a few alternative treatment options. A friend lent me an alternative medicine book, “Outsmart Your Cancer” by Tanya Carter Pierce, which I found very interesting. I had already heard about some of the alternative treatments the book reviewed, such as the Gerson Therapy, Laetrile and the Budwig Diet. When I looked into these further, I decided they were not persuasive enough for me to experiment with so I cannot speak to their effectiveness. My research pushed me past these alternative treatments and led me to “complimentary” or “integrative” therapies, used in conjunction with conventional treatments. Yoga, meditation and prayer to calm the mind, nutrition and exercise to strengthen the body and stimulate the immune system. I still love the idea of natural treatments strengthening the body to fight off disease and will continue to comb the web for emerging, effective therapies.